
Mich (Mish) Bondesio

Helping high-achievers step off the hamster wheel of hustle culture and the treadmill of overwork and burnout. Thoughts, tools and resources related to intentionally productive habits, digital wellbeing, and the future of work. Mich is a writer, speaker, podcaster, coach, and author of The Cadence Effect. Originally from South Africa, she lives in the wild north west of England, and works with humans around the world.

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Cadence 89 - Productivity, Boundaries & Earthly Flourishing

Issue #89 Cadence - Life & Work in Motion "Focusing attention is a skill. Where we choose to direct our gaze determines not only what we learn or believe, but how we choose to see the world." ~ Seth Godin Hi Reader Hope you're ok and have enjoyed some extra space over August? I got to do more walking in the Lakes and it was lovely! So, now I'm back from summer break to share a new look newsletter with a new 3-2-1 format for easy reading. If you missed the July newsletter, I announced that...

“A career is not a series of tasks. It's the chance to build things.” Seth Godin Read / share this newsletter on the web. Hi Reader, Coming up for air after several weeks of intensive work and I'm still wearing closed shoes and hoodies, so it's seems Summer up north has been busy elsewhere too. How is Part 2 of your year going so far? Part 2 is the second part of the story. It's a chance to start over. To do something different. To make things right. And my part 2 is starting with a pivot....

““If we make time to step away from our routines, it gives us a chance to realise what we can’t wait to get back to. It can help us to appreciate the things we actually enjoy." Suzy Reading - Rest to Reset Read / share this newsletter on the web. Hi Reader, Wahey, it's June already! While some of you may be taking a well-deserved half-term break, my current workload is preventing me from publishing here twice a month. I always find things get hurly burly busy at this time of year, and not...

“Healthy workplaces value wellbeing as much as performance" Adam Grant Read / share this newsletter on the web. Hi Reader, Happy May! Lots to celebrate this month. It’s the start of Season 10 of the Creating Cadence Podcast, and we kicked off with an absolutely lovely interview that I'm still thinking about. More on that below. Plus, on the 5th May, my book The Cadence Effect turned ONE, yay! I wrote about my lessons learned, on LinkedIn and there’s special birthday discount offers down...

“Productivity isn’t a measure of outcome or quality. It’s a measure of output - of busyness.” Jen Fisher Read / share this newsletter on the web. Hi Reader, How’s your month panning out? For me, it’s been a mix of April flowers alongside many frigid spring showers. No chance of T-shirts and flip-flop wearing, just yet, lol! Thanks for bearing with me last week during the launch marketing period for my Coaching programme. I know it’s not fun to be bombarded with emails, so I really appreciate...

Cadence, life and work in motion" wording against lumo pink and purple sunset backdrop. Copyright Mich Bondesio.

"Consistency is the key to achieving and maintaining momentum" Darren Hardy Read / share this newsletter on the web. Hey there Reader, How are things? Just a heads up, I'm in full on launch mode for my new Cadence Coaching Programme, as it goes live w/c 15th April 2024, and I need to get the word out. That means me showing up consistently to talk about the programme. So, over the next two weeks, I'll be sending quite a few emails specifically about this coaching offering (what it involves,...

"We can take opportunities if they come our way. Or we can make opportunities to lead the way." Mich Bondesio Read / share this newsletter on the web. Hi Reader Happy Equinox! Despite it being officially Spring up North, the sun beams are only shyly peeking out from behind those rain clouds today. But the greyness isn’t deterring the blossoms from blooming and the birdies from tweedling their joy at the changes that are coming. Yesterday, walking home along the river, I noted the abundance of...

“Slowing down isn’t about protesting work —it’s about finding a better way to do it.” Cal Newport Read / share this newsletter on the web. Hi Reader First, the great news - spring is here up North, yay! That extra light in the morning certainly lifts my mood. How about you? The surprising news - how is it already mid March, with Easter around the corner? After a gentle January, February blinked by. Project work kept me super busy this past month, and included highlighting the important work...

“Social media is operating in a way that is ...not designed to make us feel better. It’s just designed to make us want to use it.”” Dr Kay Tye - Neuroscientist Read / share this newsletter on the web. Hi Reader Happy Valentines! Despite being a practical, level-headed person, I’m also a hopeless romantic and a deep believer in the power of love. And, it appears I’m not alone. Not only is “romance” the top bestselling fiction genre since forever, but in 2023 alone, sales of romance books grew...

Cadence, life in motion newsletter banner against moody abstract picture. Cadence is Mich Bondesio's newsletter about intentional productivity in a life that's always moving.

“Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” Carl Brad Read / share this newsletter on the web. Hi from Mich, Hello lovely people, how is 2024 showing up for you so far and what are your key goals for this year? The saying goes “begin with the end in mind” and as per the above quote, this year I’m working on creating a brand new ending. 1. Graceful Disruption The concept and culture of "the workplace" is changing, whether we...