Cadence 80 - On Simplifying Business Life

“Although no one can go back and make a brand new start,

anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”

Carl Brad

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Hi from Mich,

Hello lovely people, how is 2024 showing up for you so far and what are your key goals for this year?

The saying goes “begin with the end in mind” and as per the above quote, this year I’m working on creating a brand new ending.

1. Graceful Disruption

The concept and culture of "the workplace" is changing, whether we like it or not.

AI tools are becoming our new collaborators and workhorses. And our workstyles and office trends are shifting away from "workism" towards a focus on a "portfolio life" (aka creating cadence instead of balance).

The core focus of my masterplan for 2024 is on being a graceful disruptor of the toxic status quo around overwork, and to disrupt the existing way I work, too.

My key work goals are to simplify my business while increasing my visibility, so I can create more opportunities for focus and flow.

And I will be pursuing these goals in slightly (un)orthodox ways, depending on where you are on the continuum of conventional business and marketing practices.

Step 1:

Less time on social media.

This goes completely against the grain of common content marketing practices!

Read more about why social media is taking a back foot for me.

And yup. I didn’t think I’d go over the dark (orange) side either, but life is about continually adapting and that means being willing to experiment, and change your mind.

Step 2:

Getting more AI savvy.

I spent the past year dabbling, but I want to end 2024 with these tools firmly embedded in my business, in a way that streamlines my processes, productivity and workflow.

If you don’t think AI applies to your business, then read this IMF article with predictions for how AI is going to change the global economy.

2. Speaking Up

The Creating Cadence podcast is very much part of my graceful disruption master plan, as it’s the best way I’ve found to amplify my and other voices of change.

To that end, the first episode of Season 9 has just gone live.

In it, I outline my plans for the year, announce the format and theme for this year’s podcast seasons AND introduce my lovely guests for this season.

Listen / Read Episode 55

On the pod, I also share more about my new 6-week Cadence Coaching Programme - very exciting!

The first cohort starts in early April 2024, and I’ll be sharing the Launch link at the end of February.

In the meantime, find out more about the Cadence Coaching Programme on my website.

3. Spreading the Word

I now have a Creating Cadence Services page to share the magic work I do with high strivers like you.

It’s definitely more niche (aimed at Milleni-Xers) and the tone sounds more like the “Elle” side of me - aka the irreverently, rebellious part of my self.

What do you reckon? Know anyone who needs help creating their idea of Workplace Nirvana?

4. Ending with the Beginning in Mind

Pretty pictures from Preston this January.

In a way, my recent house move was the precursor to the business changes I'm initiating this year.

It's all part of the masterplan to create more space for focus, connection, and time in nature.

Before you go, here's a conversation opener for you to ponder along with me.

  • Are the returns we may get from “promoting” ourselves and our businesses on social media worth the cost to our health and those of our potential communities?

Do you agree or disagree with my latest thoughts on social media (in this article)?

Disruption requires uncomfortable conversations, but don’t be shy, hit reply.

After what feels like 47 days of January in a long dark Winter, I hope February brings you and I lots more light, levity and good learnings.

Wishing you courage, curiosity and cadence for 2024, and more!

Mich x

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Images by Mich Bondesio, unless otherwise stated.

Mich (Mish) Bondesio

Helping high-achievers step off the hamster wheel of hustle culture and the treadmill of overwork and burnout. Thoughts, tools and resources related to intentionally productive habits, digital wellbeing, and the future of work. Mich is a writer, speaker, podcaster, coach, and author of The Cadence Effect. Originally from South Africa, she lives in the wild north west of England, and works with humans around the world.

Read more from Mich (Mish) Bondesio

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