Cadence 84 - Consistency, Cadence & Surviving the 7-11-4 Rule!

"Consistency is the key to achieving and maintaining momentum"

Darren Hardy

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Hey there Reader,

How are things?

Just a heads up, I'm in full on launch mode for my new Cadence Coaching Programme, as it goes live w/c 15th April 2024, and I need to get the word out.

That means me showing up consistently to talk about the programme.

So, over the next two weeks, I'll be sending quite a few emails specifically about this coaching offering (what it involves, how it helps people, etc).

If you'd rather not be bombarded, but you want to stay on the general mailing list for my once-a-month newsletter, no sweat, just click here to unsubscribe from the specific Coaching Programme emails.

Still here? Awesome, let's get on with the show!

Before I get anywhere near diving into what this programme involves in future emails, let's get real about why I need to send all these emails.

I hate bombarding people.

Instead, I like taking a slower approach to building relationships.

It still involves being consistent, but at a pace that aligns with my values and my energy.

So, I find being in "launch marketing mode" particularly stressful, as it's not my natural habitat.

In traditional marketing, it's always been opined that customers need at least 7 touch points with your brand or product before they'll buy.

Well, times appeared to have changed, my friends.

The new rule on the block.

According to Google research from 2023, the 7-11-4 Marketing Rule explains why it is so darned challenging to convert followers into customers in this day and age.

Um, what's the 7-11-4 rule?

"...on average, consumers spend 7 hours researching a product, engage with 11 touch points, and do so in 4 different locations before making a purchase decision" ~ Greg Belanger

Holy moly, people!

Granted, seven hours of crucial interaction could be in-person engagement, reading blog content, or engaging with your video and audio content, but that's still a lot of time!

Q: How on earth are 'small fry' like me meant to keep up with that?

A: We take the long approach.

Roughly translated, if it's going to take that long, then I have to be in this for the long haul, because I don't have the stamina, or resources, (or desire) to be omnipotently and energetically, in all your streams, all at once.

In the vein of creating cadence, what that means is that although I'm all 'in your face' about this programme at this very moment, this offering has actually been 6 years in the making!

Every newsletter, LinkedIn post, Cadence talk or workshop, guest blog article, book I write, or podcast interview I do, has been building an ecosystem.

This ecosystem is a series of safe places out there in ether for people to get to know me, to understand my work, and to decide whether it's valuable to them or not.

Does that guarantee success, with lots of people buying this coaching programme?

Hell no!

But, is all this consistent showing up helping me to change the conversation around overwork, toxic productivity and burnout?

Hell yes!

It's also a great learning opportunity for me, as I've never done a launch like this before.

As I've mentioned in past newsletters, learning is a key driver for me.

So even if the programme fails to launch (pardon the pun), I still gain!

There are a lot of moving parts to launch marketing...

  • Like learning how to set up a convoluted email sequence, without losing anyone along the way. (If you didn't unsubscribe above, hopefully you'll get a look see)
  • And making informational videos, like this awkward one

I'll let you in on a little secret - despite making hundreds of videos over the past 6 years, it's one of my least favourite marketing pastimes! (I even had a rant about it on LinkedIn)

And yet here I am, showing up, again, and giving it a go.

Why? Because consistency is key in building momentum.

And the way to maintain consistency is to keep the cadence manageable.

The Cadence Coaching Programme is also about consistency.

It's an opportunity to activate your untapped potential and craft a more meaningful work and home life.

It teaches you how to do this in an intentional way that enables you to consistently show up as your better self.

Got questions about the programme? Check out the FAQs on the coaching page.

Or, don't be shy, just hit reply.

Until next time (which will be sooner than later), keep moving forwards, with courage, curiosity and cadence.

Mich x

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Images by Mich Bondesio, unless otherwise stated.

Mich (Mish) Bondesio

Thoughts, tools and resources for intentional productivity, digital wellbeing, and the future of work - once a month. Avoid the hamster wheel of hustle culture and step off the treadmill of overwork and burnout, to craft a more meaningful work life! I'm a writer, speaker, podcaster, coach, and author of The Cadence Effect.

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