Cadence 83 - Making Opportunities for Change

"We can take opportunities if they come our way.

Or we can make opportunities to lead the way."

Mich Bondesio

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Hi Reader

Happy Equinox!

Despite it being officially Spring up North, the sun beams are only shyly peeking out from behind those rain clouds today.

But the greyness isn’t deterring the blossoms from blooming and the birdies from tweedling their joy at the changes that are coming.

Yesterday, walking home along the river, I noted the abundance of birdlife, the sudden blooming of hedges, and of the changing face of the river.

It's tidal at this point and depending on the rains feeding the river, and the movement of water, the rocky sandbanks move and the river takes on different moods.

So, the river never looks the same.

It doesn't wait for permission to change. It carves it's own path of transformation.

I was again reminded of the power of nature to facilitate transformation, and how the cadence effect emulates it.

Creating cadence is about adjusting our pace and being willing to adapt to change, but also about how that change in pace can bring a frisson of joy, hope, meaning, excitement, energy and curiosity into our lives.

Changing seasons are a helpful guide:

  • For when to speed up or slow down the pace of our lives.
  • When to hibernate or generate more energy.
  • When to let things lie fallow.
  • And, when to take the leap and launch into something new.

So, questions for you...

  1. Is the change of season bringing you opportunities for change?
  2. What can you do to nurture good projects, encourage positive growth, and make meaningful transformation in your life?

As part of transforming my work and life patterns in a more seasonal way, I strive to do different types of work at different times of year.

What that means, in this moment, is that I’ve just launched my first official Cadence Coaching Programme, yay!

This is an opportunity to activate your potential, and manage your stress better, while helping you to craft a more meaningful work and home life.

But, this is also an experiment for me to help people in a different way, and it’s very exciting (and scary), so wish me luck!

To whet your appetite for change...

This programme will help you to flourish and grow.

The Cadence Coaching programme starts w/c 15th April 2024 and you have two options to suit your time, your level of commitment, and your pocket.

Option 1 - Doing It Together

A private, intimate cohort-based coaching group (5 - 15 people) run over 10 weeks with live one-to-one sessions and group feedback sessions to support the bi-monthly live masterclasses. This means you have someone with you every step of the way on this journey. Plus there’s 3 free bonuses and payment options.

Option 2 - Doing It Alone

With this self-study option, you get the recordings of the 4 bi-monthly Cadence Masterclasses, plus related worksheets, BUT you get to drive. Implement your learning on your own, in your own time over 7 weeks. Recordings and worksheets are delivered every 2 weeks. Plus, you get 2 free bonuses.

This programme is your blueprint to design a life that works for you – to help you take charge of building momentum, working with purpose, and crafting a more meaningful life.

So, at this time of seasonal transformation, I invite you to take advantage of this opportunity to create positive change in your own life.

Check out the full details (and book your place) at the Cadence Coaching 2024 webpage.

Just think, if you do this, by the time the next seasonal change comes about, you could already be flourishing and on your way finishing the year having attained more than you ever thought possible.

There's no rush. Doors close to book your spot on 11th April, so you have a week or two to think about it. :)

I’ll be back next week with podcast news and some bonus learning and more info connected to my new Cadence programme.

Got questions about what's involved? Don't be shy, just hit reply.

Until next time, keep moving forwards, with courage, curiosity and cadence.

Mich x

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Images by Mich Bondesio, unless otherwise stated.

Mich (Mish) Bondesio

Helping high-achievers step off the hamster wheel of hustle culture and the treadmill of overwork and burnout. Thoughts, tools and resources related to intentionally productive habits, digital wellbeing, and the future of work. Mich is a writer, speaker, podcaster, coach, and author of The Cadence Effect. Originally from South Africa, she lives in the wild north west of England, and works with humans around the world.

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