Cadence 87 - Reclaim Your Headspace!

““If we make time to step away from our routines, it gives us a chance to realise what we can’t wait to get back to.

It can help us to appreciate the things we actually enjoy."

Suzy Reading - Rest to Reset

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Hi Reader,

Wahey, it's June already!

While some of you may be taking a well-deserved half-term break, my current workload is preventing me from publishing here twice a month.

I always find things get hurly burly busy at this time of year, and not just on the work front!

With the switch to summer bringing longer periods of light, my sleep gets discombobulated and my work days stretch. I forget to switch off in the evening as it “feels” too early. And the 4am dawn chorus comes far too soon!

This time of year forces me to find small, simple ways to make space for rest in a busy day, that doesn’t always involve trying to get more sleep.

A recent conversation about rest whilst facilitating a client workshop also reminded me how easily we forget the importance of making our bedroom a sanctuary for rest.

  • Our bedroom often becomes the TV room when we brain-deadly binge-watch Netflix after a long, tiring day.
  • And the comms room when we check emails on our phone first thing when we wake.
  • Or the work room when we’re pouring over spreadsheets and slide decks in the dead of night.

When we do this, it signals to our brain that our bedroom is a space where we allow anxiety, stress and strain to have a place.

Read that again!

But, when we keep those things in their usual place, and reserve our sleep sanctum for more fun, restorative activities, like sex, reading and zzz, it boosts more than just our libido!

More on rest below...

Reclaiming Our Head Space in the Hustle

In our frenetic work world filled with screens and deadlines and busy days, the concept of rest often gets overshadowed by the constant drive for productivity and achievement.

However, rest is crucial for maintaining our health and completing our work well. Regular breaks and periods of rest help prevent burnout, reduce stress, and boost overall wellbeing.

When we allow our bodies and minds to recover, we are more likely to maintain high levels of performance and creativity over the long term.

Adequate rest also improves our ability to make better decisions, enhances our mood, and increases our resilience against life's daily challenges.

Rest can be active or passive.

Active rest keeps our bodies limber and energised, passive rest ensures that our minds get the quiet time needed to recover from the demands of a busy lifestyle.

There are 7 Types of Rest

We have some leeway in finding "rest opportunities" that appeal to us, with activities we can cherry pick and tailor to fit our precious time:

  • PHYSICAL - Good sleep, nap, yoga nidra, conscious breathing, gentle movement (walk, swim, yoga)
  • MENTAL - Meditation, short breaks from work, hobbies that let your mind wander.
  • EMOTIONAL - Express emotions in a healthy way, step away from draining situations.
  • SENSORY - Reducing the overload of bright lights, noise, screens, devices, over-stimulating environments.
  • CREATIVE - Art, nature, music, dance, doing things with your hands.
  • SOCIAL - Being with positive people, avoiding draining or toxic people.
  • SPIRITUAL - Activities that connect you to something greater (prayer, meditation, community work, volunteering)

I gravitate towards creative, physical, sensory or spiritual rest.

My “rest snacks” when things are chaotic? A 30 min urban nature walk, or 10 mins meditation or conscious breathing, a 5 minute morning journaling session, or evening doodling.

Which rest opportunities appeal to you and how might you apply them in your life?

Related Reading + Resources:

Is doing nothing the secret to happiness? (The Guardian)

The benefits of doing nothing aren’t felt in the moment. They manifest in the energy and inspiration you gain after the fact. (Hat tip:Tom Bentley).

What our bedrooms say about us (CNN)

Fascinating reportage piece about how our sleep sanctuaries reflect our personalities, needs and desires.

4 Tips for correcting common walking mistakes (Tech Radar)

Walking is foundational to our health. Knowing how to do it properly improves our joints, feet, knees, back, posture and longevity.

On the Pod:

Two lovely new episodes have been released since Denver Nowicz's mentioned in my last newsletter.

Magdalena Rungaldier (Map Consultancy) shares about building a B Corp business, creating sustainable hotels, setting productivity boundaries, and finding freedom and joy in work.

Writer Tom Bentley on how nature boosts wellbeing, the importance of deliberate practice for developing mastery, procrastination and process, and building a life that nurtures creativity.

Other Stuff:

I've been checking out potential locations for a retreat later this year.

I mean, who wouldn't want to be exploring these trails as part of a personal development experience? I talk about progress on the latest podcast episode.

And things are wrapping up for the Cadence Coaching Programme. Grateful for the people I've worked with and the lessons learned from the process.

Hope you find moments to rest in jubilant ways in June.

With courage, curiosity and cadence,

Mich x

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Images by Mich Bondesio, unless otherwise stated.

Mich (Mish) Bondesio

Thoughts, tools and resources for intentional productivity, digital wellbeing, and the future of work - once a month. Avoid the hamster wheel of hustle culture and step off the treadmill of overwork and burnout, to craft a more meaningful work life! I'm a writer, speaker, podcaster, coach, and author of The Cadence Effect.

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