Cadence 85 - Humans First, Resources Second

“Productivity isn’t a measure of outcome or quality.

It’s a measure of output - of busyness.”

Jen Fisher

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Hi Reader,

How’s your month panning out?

For me, it’s been a mix of April flowers alongside many frigid spring showers.

No chance of T-shirts and flip-flop wearing, just yet, lol!

Thanks for bearing with me last week during the launch marketing period for my Coaching programme. I know it’s not fun to be bombarded with emails, so I really appreciate you still being here.

It’s now back to regular bi-monthly newsletter programming.

So, after learning loads at an online AI Writing Conference recently, I’ve been mulling over the importance and value of being human in our increasingly automated digital workplaces.

We are humans first and resources second (despite how our outputs are tracked against KPIs), whereas AI and our digital tools are a resource only.

They can aid us in being productive and creative, but they cannot bring what we can to the party.

Interesting fact: Our humanness is so incredibly unique, that there are 3million differences between you and me.

Contemplating AI also made me think of other scenarios where we're treated as resources first, and our uniqueness is often under-appreciated.


I recently posted a LinkedIn video about a productivity planning concept known as The Mythical Unencumbered Worker (MUW).

In short, the MUW is a person who has no responsibilities outside of work that might deplete his time, energy, and attention, in any given workday. The MUW is used to calculate and plan for ideal productivity outputs.

The MUW is also a fallacy, because these people don’t exist!

Realistically, we’re all “uniquely encumbered humans” and beautifully so.

We have lives and interests outside of work that do take our time, and do affect how we perform.

Sometimes those things can put strain on us.

But they can also boost our energy, performance and attention. In ways that AI can't.

The things we do outside of work can help us to be better at our work.


The work we do also affects how we perform.

“Productivity isn’t a measure of outcome or quality. It’s a measure of output—of busyness.” ~ Jen Fisher

Too often we’re caught up in cycles of work that deplete us.

A focus solely on productivity for productivity's sake can be at the detriment of our health and outputs, especially if we find ourselves in situations where:

  • The expectations of what we can produce in a day are unrealistic, and there’s no space to process, think and ideate.
  • We have no autonomy over how we work, or are being micromanaged.
  • The work we do is reactive, fire-fighting, surface-level, busy work, which doesn’t move the needle, but makes us “look productive”.

When the work we do is mind-numbingly depressing, or monotonous, or fully focused on busyness instead of deep work, it cannot fill our creative cup or stimulate us to produce great work repeatedly over time.

In these scenarios, the work itself is what endangers our productivity and causes burnout.

That's where AI can help us, by taking the drudge out of our day.

It can help create time and space for the synthesising that's needed as part of our deep work, which we don't get to do properly when we're inundated with busy work.

That’s also why I focus on helping people craft more meaningful work lives.

Without this focus we can’t actually do our best work, sustainably over time.

“Mentally stimulating work and autonomy leads to a sense of self-worth and the satisfaction of finding value in one’s work, which makes people want to succeed and contribute effective outcomes that drive business forward.” ~ Jen Fisher

Meaningful work involves doing:

Work that is mentally stimulating.

Work that we have a degree of control over.

Work that energises us, makes us feel valued, and helps us grow.

And that's also why "intentional productivity" is a more fruitful way to approach our productivity, in all parts of our lives.

It focuses on outcome and quality, not quantity.

Further Reading:


An interesting article about making work better for humans, instead of making humans better for work.

Why aren’t more organisations getting on board?! Well, as I mention in my book, The Cadence Effect, business owners and chief execs are too obsessed with the wrong KPIs! We are humans first, and resources second!


“The key to getting the most out of employees may be allowing them to do their jobs when they feel like it.”

Chronoworking is so simple we might overlook it, despite its effectiveness. Incidentally, I wrote about chronotypes in my book, as knowing and working with your daily energy flow is an effective intentional productivity tool.


We often think that taking time away from work is the only way to deal with burnout at work, but often the remedy is closer to “home” than we think.

Hint: it has to do with how we work!

Other Stuff


So, my new Cadence Coaching Programme kicked off this week with the first live Masterclass, yay! I’m working with a small, but lovely group of eager people for the next 10 weeks.

I’ll be sharing our progress via my Instagram and LinkedIn in coming weeks. And, there's another cohort of this Programme later this year, so more about that in coming months.


Season 10 of the Creating Cadence Podcast will be kicking off in May and we have an interesting mix of people talking about creativity, finances, flow, and sustainability, and how they link to creating cadence. Stay tuned!


Finally, I’m considering running a weekend retreat in the Lake District in September. It will include some sessions covering topics from my coaching programme, alongside some fun, wellbeing-focused activities.

Hands up, who’s game for some wild swimming, or a hike up a big hill?

And if you have a team and are looking for a new "off-site" experience, this could work well for you, too!

Hope your month brings lots of lovely wins, whatever the weather.

With courage, curiosity and cadence,

Mich x

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Images by Mich Bondesio, unless otherwise stated.

Mich (Mish) Bondesio

Helping high-achievers step off the hamster wheel of hustle culture and the treadmill of overwork and burnout. Thoughts, tools and resources related to intentionally productive habits, digital wellbeing, and the future of work. Mich is a writer, speaker, podcaster, coach, and author of The Cadence Effect. Originally from South Africa, she lives in the wild north west of England, and works with humans around the world.

Read more from Mich (Mish) Bondesio

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