Cadence 90 - The Rhythm of Sustainable Success

Issue # 90

Cadence - Life & Work in Motion

“Every season is one of becoming, but not always one of blooming. Be gracious with your ever-evolving self.” — B. Oakman

Hi Reader

A slightly delayed start to October for me. How are you finding Q4 of 2024?

I’ve just returned from two lovely weeks in sunny South Africa, both working and visiting family. (And yes, with sustainability in mind, I did offset my carbon for the trip).

So much seems to have changed in that short time away, with leaves already starting to turn, and a need to turn on the heating, too.

Building a sustainable business is similar to preparing for the rhythm of different seasons, in that your work takes on a different pace at different times. On that note, the Creating Cadence Podcast is back with a focus on the Rhythm of Sustainable Success. More on that below.

Let’s crack on with this month’s edition.

Three Resources

1. Workplace Happiness - The Great Realisation

Job site Indeed undertook the world’s largest study about work happiness, which led to the creation of an organisational rating system, offering transparency for job seekers and holding companies more accountable for their culture.

Indeed’s Work Wellbeing Score measures how people feel at work, looking specifically at four key factors which influence workplace wellbeing, namely Happiness, Purpose, Satisfaction and Stress.

2. Unlocking Creativity Piece By Piece

LEGO has teamed up with It’s Nice That to launch Inner Piece, an immersive installation and programme designed to help adults reconnect with creativity and play.

Embracing playful, hands-on experimentation isn’t just good for unlocking our creative potential, it can help us unwind and find inner calm.

This project also highlights the physiological benefits of play — promoting mindfulness, reducing stress, and improving mental wellbeing.

3. Valuing Work-Life Balance: It Starts At Work

Many work environments promote a culture of overwork, where busyness and unnecessary tasks lead to burnout.

This Behavioural Scientist article explores interventions that tackle common challenges like excessive meetings and email overload — they're much like the principles of Intentional Productivity.

Successful strategies include intentional scheduling, encouraging time off, and cultivating a culture where leaders model healthy work-life practices. Notably, individual efforts aimed at reducing overwork were less effective than organisation-wide, team efforts.

Two Thoughts

1. Harnessing Autumn Energy

I always get excited for Autumn/Fall — it feels like a fresh chance to refocus on the goals that might have drifted off course during the Summer.

The energy shift with the changing season gives me that extra push to tackle unfinished projects, make meaningful progress, and finish the year strong.

Questions: Are you a fan of Autumn energy, too? How does Q4 fit for you in the bigger picture of your year, in relation to work, life, and personal growth?

2. Seasonal Shifts & Self Care

As the days get shorter and the air gets cooler, I’m reminded that I need to adjust, too. For me, this means setting out cosy candles, taking my walks at lunchtime instead of in the evening, and settling into bed earlier. It’s all about creating a softer, more nurturing environment as I prepare for this seasonal shift.

My work rhythm also changes. I try to focus on fewer projects each day, diving deeper into one or two focused tasks instead of spreading myself thin across too many in a day. This shift helps me manage my energy and stay more focused at this time of year.

Question: Think about the little habits you naturally (and unconsciously) adopt as the seasons change. How do they shape your approach to work and life at this time?

One Action

A Quarter All In

I find that 12 weeks—or three months—is the perfect timeline for sparking realistic change, whether it’s about personal habits or professional projects.

So, what’s been sitting on your list since January that you want to mark “DONE” by December?

Pick just one thing to focus on this quarter. Maybe it’s learning a language, getting back into yoga, launching a new product, refreshing your website, writing that short story, or saving up for a course or dream holiday.

How do you get started?

  • Break it down into clear, manageable steps.
  • Map those steps out over the next three months.
  • Schedule time each week to make progress—if it’s not in the calendar, it won’t happen!
  • Track your progress and celebrate the small wins all along the way.

This might sound like more than one action, but it all comes down to this: Taking Action. The rest is just how you get there, one step at a time.

Other Stuff

This season of the Creating Cadence Podcast is back with a new look and a new theme.

I'm exploring what it means to build a sustainable business and how that connects to cadence.

Episode 66

An introduction to the tenets of sustainable business and how it connects to the concepts of cadence and intentional productivity.

Listen here

Episode 67

A focus on the "people" element of the your triple bottom line and how building a purpose-driven culture connects to healthy teams.

Listen here

Coaching Call

My work is primarily focused on delivering talks and workshops, but for this quarter, I’m also offering a limited number of slots per month for 2-hour private coaching sessions.

There are 3 slots still available this month. If this is of interest, don’t be shy, hit reply and I'll send you the deets.

Hope the rest of October brings you clarity, focus and nourishing energy, no matter the season where you are.

With courage, curiosity and cadence,

Mich x

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Mich (Mish) Bondesio

Thoughts, tools and resources for intentional productivity, digital wellbeing, and the future of work - once a month. Avoid the hamster wheel of hustle culture and step off the treadmill of overwork and burnout, to craft a more meaningful work life! I'm a writer, speaker, podcaster, coach, and author of The Cadence Effect.

Read more from Mich (Mish) Bondesio
A road leading between green fields and hills. Banner wording is Cadence, Life & Work in Motion. image by Mich Bondesio

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